Kayleigh Smale

AML, Compliance & Anti-Fraud Specialist

Jane Pritchard

Chief Product Officer

Join our interactive webinar with our resident experts, Kayleigh Smale and Jane Pritchard. 

We’ll be looking at the components of effective corporate client onboarding, and hosting an interactive KYB and compliance Q&A with our expert panellists. 

Whether you're grappling with the nuances of KYB compliance or seeking to enhance your firm's corporate client onboarding, this webinar will provide you with practical information about best practices in compliance. 

Register to learn about: 

  • KYB pitfalls: discover common mistakes firms make in KYB compliance and the high stakes of getting it wrong.
  • The benefits of effective KYB: learn about the operational and compliance advantages of robust KYB processes.

Alongside our interactive Q&A, we’ll also be showcasing Legl KYB — our comprehensive corporate due diligence solution.